“print 1 of 1” – exclusive ownership of works of art
presented here are photographic records of another world, a world that it very real, though we have forgotten how to see it. these works of art illustrate the way of reason that developed our minds and bodies across the ages. they teach us how to see again, to think with our hearts, and love with our minds. they urge us to remember what we are: homo spiritualis, not homo sapiens. the photographic evidence of the ethereal reminds us all to pause, reassess, exhale, and be excellent to our planet, for we were created in it, of it, and by it.
the structure of the “print 1 of 1” program is such that only one print, the bon-à-tirer, plus one artist proof of a singular work of art is ever produced.
the four plate color photogravure is produced in the traditional manner hand inking and wiping the metal plates which are printed in careful registration to the paper. The image is trialed through several variations in inking until the printer is satisfied he has made the best representation of the photograph. This print becomes the bon-à-tirer proof and only one other print is produced the artist’s proof. All of the trial proofs are destroyed, as are the metal printing plates. The bon-à-tirer proof and the artist’s proof are all that remain of these entirely unique works.
this is an emotional, spiritual and physically demanding task, as an artistic symbiosis is required to envision the correct colour formulation, as pigments require a precise application to achieve the maximum intensity of hue and saturation. the process is long, arduous, and purely original. the end result is a print that contains a true presence, which far surpasses a colour print made with an automated process. collectors of prints have appreciated these works as much as paintings due to the visionary technique behind creating purely unique, singular prints, which includes the destruction of any capability to repeat it. therefore, a documentation sheet and proof of erasure is provided, ensuring that the one bon-à-tirer print (1BAT) plus one artist proof (+1EA) exist, and will never be remade. therein lies the real value of the “print 1 of 1” program.
i have entered this world of collaborative printmaking with jon cone at cone editions press in vermont. jon has agreed to work on each project as an interpreter, creating the matrix of printing plates, mixing the oil based pigment inks which he will hand-ink and wipe the plates, and to create the prints with his absolute care and precision.
the cancellation proof demonstrating the destruction of the printing plates is included in the sale, as well as any signed trial proofs, with the end result being the final bon-à-tirer print.
each project is necessarily unique. jon’s concept is that our entire printmaking collaboration together, including the experimental and nearly completed proofs, tells a story. it is an opportunity to own an entire printmaking experience that will never be duplicated and exists only within the portfolio. you can own the final bon-à-tirer print secure in the knowledge that you are the sole owner of the work and the journey it encompasses.
please read the statement by jon cone here.
the journey: a man for his own reasons walks alone. something makes him raise his camera and he makes a negative in a particular manner. the journey continues as the man generates the work of art according to the energy of the negative and the image emerges in the photograph. onward the journey of the image continues in the making of the original print, and now the work of art hangs on a collectors wall. the journey is complete. or is it? for, now the collector’s the journey begins as she or he begins to understand the layers of symbolism and meaning revealed therein. does she or he, over time, begin to understand the message?
please visit the collections “1 of 1”: deities and demigods, carousel, emergence, of air and fire, symbiosis, vocatvs, said. know. do, kalu, fantômas, lórien, anima, verschränkung and battle for the pharaoh’s soul to view the current offerings.
Art is offered along the following three channels:
i) 1BAT+1EA CMYK photogravure prints on Moulin du Gué 350gsm paper in size 30”x40” with prices starting at USD 128,000, plus shipping;
ii) Inkjet prints using custom ground pigments, offered as:
• edition of 8 plus 2 artist proofs in size up to 44”x80″,
priced at USD 16,000 and up;
• edition of 20 plus 2 artist proofs in size 17”x22″,
priced at USD 4,000 and up; and
iii) NFT Digital Positives, priced upon request.
to purchase, please note the title of the work of interest and contact me.